Thursday, August 5, 2010

In-hospital tests

Hi everyone:

For the past couple of weeks, Kathleen has been experiencing dizziness upon standing, stomach pain, sporadic nosebleeds and overall malaise. In the times I saw Kathleen, I noticed her skin tone had a yellow hue and her legs and feet were almost white. More than anything, though, Kathleen seemed to be distressed by her discomfort, which was unusual, because she rarely complains about how she's feeling. Patty and I have really been worrying about her.

When Kathleen visited her doctor today, he was alarmed by her overall blood count and her appearance, and admitted her to the hospital. As I write this, she's in the process of receiving her second of three blood transfusions. Tomorrow, she'll be run through a series of tests to try to get to the bottom of why she's been feeling so poorly. I think she's hoping to escape the hospital tomorrow; keep your fingers crossed.

When we left tonight (super-protective sister Patty willing to do so only at Kathleen's urging), Kathleen was tired and ready to sleep. After the first infusion, Kathleen's color did seem somewhat improved. Let's hope this is just a minor setback.

I'll post more as soon as we know it.


1 comment:

  1. I knew she wasn't feeling to good lately but didn't realize there was that much going on. She is always such a tough fighter and never complains! Something I really admire in her. We are hoping and praying that it's just a minor setback, as you said Brian. Hope your home and feeling better very soon Kathleen!

