Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kathleen update

Hi everyone:

Don called this morning after Kathleen's appointment. Patty is under the weather and wasn't able to join them. The doctor told Kathleen that her bone marrow is "spotty", which suggests cancer is there but hasn't yet caused significant harm. For the time being, her doctor plans to continue the same course of treatment. Kathleen's platelets made a decline for a few months in a row, but seem to have stabilized.

Her doctor has also scheduled an MRI of her brain, because Kathleen has been suffering from headaches.

None of this is exactly good news, but it's not terrible news, either.


1 comment:

  1. My dearest Kathleen,

    My prayers are with you. Always. There are no words but please know that we carry you in our hearts. I am so sorry you have had to endure all of this. You amaze me in so many ways! I am discouraged (stupid word but I am at a loss) about the latest news on the biopsy. I am glad that the doctor said it was "spotty."

    I hope that the doctors can provide something for your headaches. That's the LAST thing you need to put up with right now.

    I pray the MRI of your brain is clean and that the headaches are a result of something like -- tension? Ya think you have tension? I think we can all answer in unison to that. That is what I pray the result is.

    I love you SO SO much. Maureen
