Thursday, October 14, 2010

Numbers down

Hi everyone:

I went with Kathleen to her oncological appointment yesterday morning. Although Kathleen wasn't as weak or dizzy as she was going into previous appointments, and even though she'd put on a few pounds, her blood counts were low (6 for hemoglobin, 26,000 for platelets). What's more, her blood pressure, which typically runs on the low side, was low enough (70s over 40s) to be of concern. Her doctor admitted her on a 23-hour hospitalization so Kathleen could receive two units of blood.

Last night, Patty spent the night with Kathleen. During the night, Kathleen's blood pressure dipped to disconcerting levels (68/37), so she was moved to the ICU. This morning, her blood counts came back with marginal improvement, but not enough to allow her to go home. She's receiving another two units of blood this afternoon. We're not sure if she'll get out today or not. She's feeling a bit discouraged and depressed that she's stuck in the hospital when she thought she'd be able to go home.

I'll post another update as soon as I know more.


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