Thursday, February 19, 2009

Back from California

Hi everyone:

My apologies for not updating the site earlier than this; Kathleen's been away in California, and I've been swamped since her return. Trust that if any developments arise on the medical front, I will make sure I get the information here promptly; if there's no news, it's likely good news (or, at the very least, no bad news).

Kathleen and Don had a great visit with Jim and Att and their family in the L.A. area, and returned this past Saturday safe and sound and with hundreds of photos. It would appear, from the photos, that they did just about everything. Some of the pics follow; I will encourage Kathleen to load the rest on her Facebook account.

Kathleen popped by our home for a quick visit earlier this week; she seemed a bit tired and uncomfortable, but otherwise was in good spirits and looked well. It turns out she was coming down with a cold--likely the one that had plagued Don of late.

Kathleen plans to write a blog post of her own this week, so she's asked that I hold off on describing the details of her trip until she can tell you herself.

Patty will be joining Kathleen and Don at Kathleen's appointment with her oncologist this morning. We've had a bunch of questions about the specifics of Kathleen's condition, so Patty's tagging along to ask them. If we learn anything new, we'll share it here soon.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen, It looks like you enjoyed your trip. I'm sure the weather was a nice change as well. We haven't seen you in a while. So, lets make sure we get together soon. Remember, we have camping plans to make for when this gloomy winter weather is over with!!!
    Take Care,
