Monday, November 16, 2009
A bit of a scare
Kathleen's recent blood tests revealed a fairly dramatic increase in one of the cancer markers. Her oncologists opted to have Kathleen undergo an MRI to check for visible progression of her cancer. Fortunately, the scan found no progression. So, while the increased counts in her blood are a bit discouraging, she is so far showing no signs of further deterioration.
Kathleen and Don went away for a mini-holiday this past week. I guess they did a fair amount of walking, which couldn't have been easy either for Kathleen (with pain in her back) or for Don (recovering from a foot/ankle injury). Still, they both said they had a good time.
Patty and I visited with Kathleen at her home last night. She continues to be in good spirits, and looks well.
Monday, October 26, 2009
MRI today
Neil, Patty and I tagged along with Kathleen while she had an MRI this morning. After her test, we went for a quick lunch and then stopped back to our home for a visit. Clearly, Kathleen was tired from her experience this morning, and from a lack of sufficient sleep the night before. She fell asleep almost as quickly as she arrived and stayed asleep for four hours.
I'll provide results as soon as we receive them.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Coming up...
On December 3, Kathleen and Patty will be in great seats at the concert of The Swell Season (the two Academy Award-winning singers from the film Once) at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago. They're both looking forward to a nice night out.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Four musketeers are back
Kathleen is visiting our home tonight, and was happy to find that Neil was still here. Whenever the four of us get together, it's always a fun time.
Sorry for not providing updates. As was the case with the blog for Patty, no news is good news. If anything happens of consequence, please know I'll share whatever we learn here.
Kathleen continues to manage her pain, but otherwise seems to be doing well. She is still receiving monthly infusions, and so far, there's no evidence the cancer is progressing. And that's the best news of all.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Visit to doctor
Kathleen received her routine infusion and injection today. The hope with these, if I understand correctly, is to keep her cancer from spreading. Her oncologist is scheduling an MRI soon to determine whether or not the cancer has spread or increased in severity. Kathleen and I share a degree of claustrophobia, so I'm sure she's thrilled about this.
Kathleen said that her doctor believes her ongoing (and, at times, increasing) pain may suggest that the cancer is getting worse. Let's hope not. I think he worried about this once before and was wrong, so let's hope he's starting a trend.
This photo was taken just this past weekend. As much as I hate to compliment Kathleen (the feeling's mutual), I do think she looks nice and, more importantly, healthy.
Kiddo, Patty & Kelly (during Patty's recent hospitalization)
Friday, June 19, 2009
Nothing new...again
Kathleen visited with Patty last night to help celebrate Patty's inclusion in the Paracor Heartnet study. She's still doing reasonably well, although she continues to be plagued by sinus infections that seem resistant to any treatment to keep them at bay. She's also finding the heat and humidity a bit tough to handle. Given that the high temps next week all look like they'll be in the mid-to-high 80s, she may find the next few days wholly unpleasant. All in all, though, and like always, she's not doing much complaining.
Kathleen looks healthy and strong, but a bit on the thin side (in my opinion). I'm just happy to have little new to report. Let's keep up this streak of mediocrity.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Nothing...nothing at all
I hadn't written in a while, so I thought I'd just pop in to say that, to the best of our knowledge, nothing has changed in Kathleen's condition. I asked her this morning if there was anything to report, and she answered, "Nope." She's still plugging away. I'll provide an update if anything changes, but am content for now that there's nothing new to share.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Still plugging away
Patty reminded me this morning that I hadn't updated this blog for ages so, fearing her wrath, I am taking a moment now to catch things up. On the cancer front, Kathleen seems to be pretty much stable--no better, but not much worse. Her doctors need to stay in front of her pain, which continues to be a challenge, but so far have been largely successful.
Unfortunately, Kathleen has been plagued of late by other medical travails. She has been battling an ear/sinus infection for several months now (at last count, she had been through four rounds of antibiotics and, even after just finishing the latest round, she's feeling discomfort again.) Also, she's been diagnosed with some issues with potassium deficiency and thyroid issues. There's always something, it would seem. Still, Kathleen is a tough cookie, and doesn't really complain much; under the same circumstances, I would be a total baby, I'm sure.
Kathleen popped in for a visit this morning. She's thin (and bordering on too thin, in our opinion), but otherwise seems pretty energetic and positive. She's told us that her appetite comes and goes, and not everything tastes the way she expects it will, but she's still working at keeping enough in her system to help her battle. We're wishing we could see her more often, but everyone wants their share of time with Kiddo these days, so we'll have to stop being so greedy.
I'll try to be better about updates; trust that if anything major happens, I'll be prompt in updating the blog.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Recent pics
Here are a couple of our more recent photos of Kathleen (from about four weeks ago).
Denise (our neighbor and Kathleen's friend) and Kathleen
Kathleen at The Foundry (for a kids' birthday dinner)
Nothing new, really

Friday, February 27, 2009
Nothing new
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Kathleen's MRI results came back, and they found nothing new in terms of progression of her cancer--which sounds to me like very good news. Of course, the best possible news would be to hear, "Oops, our mistake; turns out you don't have cancer," but this takes a close second. We're hoping to see Kathleen this weekend sometime; if we do, we'll snap some photos and share them here.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Medical clarifications
As I mentioned yesterday, Patty joined Kathleen and Don during a visit to the oncologist. The three asked a number of questions, and the doctor was very thorough in his answers. The oncologist confirmed that the cancer is all through the vertebrae of Kathleen's spine. Kathleen explained to the doctor that she has been experiencing increased numbness in both hands, which is consistent with metastatic cancer of the spine. She is also experiencing pain that spreads up her back (again, an expected symptom of this type of cancer.)
On Monday, Kathleen will undergo another MRI of her spine, and this time they will also scan her brain to see the extent to which the compression of her spine may be contributing to her symptoms, and to check for any spread of the cancer. If they find anything new, the doctor will pull Kathleen from her current drug protocol (except for the pain meds) and will likely order radiation and perhaps chemo to more aggressively attempt to control its spread. Keep your fingers crossed that things are moving along very slowly.
Kathleen visited with us for a few hours yesterday, and snoozed on the sofa for much of the time. She continues to be in good spirits.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Back from California
Kathleen popped by our home for a quick visit earlier this week; she seemed a bit tired and uncomfortable, but otherwise was in good spirits and looked well. It turns out she was coming down with a cold--likely the one that had plagued Don of late.
Patty will be joining Kathleen and Don at Kathleen's appointment with her oncologist this morning. We've had a bunch of questions about the specifics of Kathleen's condition, so Patty's tagging along to ask them. If we learn anything new, we'll share it here soon.
Monday, February 2, 2009
More pics of Kathleen
We had the opportunity to spend a fair amount of time with Kathleen this weekend. We saw her at the O'Mara family reunion, and then she stayed with us for a couple of days. She still has good days and not-so-good days (and some rough spots within her good days), but she's still laughing most of the time. Below are a bunch of pictures of Kathleen from the weekend.
Kathleen is looking forward to escaping the cold when she and Don visit California next week. Jim and Att, please take lots of pics and share them, so we can post them here.

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Saturday/Sunday visit
After going out for dinner with her friends Cindy, Sheri and Geraldine on Friday evening, Kathleen came over to our home for a visit on Saturday afternoon and night. With our neighbors Kevin and Denise (who know Kathleen well), we sang, danced and looked at some of the dozens of photos we've taken of Kathleen and her family (nuclear and extended) over the years.
Kathleen's still here, relaxing and deciding whether or not to satisfy a craving for Wendy's. The photo above was taken just moments ago. Kathleen says she's been feeling "pretty good", although she needed to break away from the chaos for a while last night to nurse a headache.
Kathleen has her next treatment of drugs (IV and injected) this coming Thursday.
Below are some more photos from last night. The slightly edited picture is Kathleen's way, I think, of telling me I'm #1.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Anyone who has a Facebook account should know that Kathleen also has an account. I just posted a bunch of older photos of her there.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Under the weather
I just chatted with Kathleen. She's having a less-than-stellar day. Her back is bothering her (a daily hindrance, even with pain meds), and she's feeling flu-like symptoms which are affecting her appetite. Of course, the fact that I awakened her from a nap to ask her how she was doing probably didn't help (sorry, kiddo.) She did say that she's been "so-so" over the past few days.
I found interesting, high-level overviews of metastatic breast cancer at, and A more comprehensive, medical description of cancer that has spread to the spine can be found at As one of the overviews suggests, you can only read so much into what is offered in these documents, as each individual is unique.
I'll share more photos of Kathleen next time we see her.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A few struggles
We haven't seen Kathleen much over the past week, so there hasn't been much we can report. However, Kathleen told me today that she had a couple of rough days this week in which her pain was breaking through the pain meds. This weekend, she visited with a childhood friend who was in town from Ohio. That's all I can share for now.
Leaving comments
We've received several questions about the "comments" feature on the blog. I made an adjustment. To leave a comment, you can select either name/URL (you don't need to add a URL, just your name), or select anonymous, both under the "select profile" tab. That's about it. If you have any problems, write us at
Patty & Brian
Monday, January 5, 2009
A weekend of visits

Callahans...please take/share pics when Kathleen is with you, so we're not just showing one side of her life and activities.